Credit Rating

Experian credit score in the UK?

I am an American married to a Brit and we are moving to his hometown in July. I have been working on building my credit there, but it has been challenging since I am not a citizen. So far my Experian credit score is 740. Is that good? I’ve looked at different resources and I am getting mixed feedback anywhere from “poor” to “very good.” Our goal is to buy a home so am I anywhere close to that (I am just speaking credit score wise)? Also, any idea how to get around the “electoral roll’? I can’t register until I am a citizen, but are there any temporary things I can do until then? Thanks for the advise!


  • Go with the flow on Oct 27, 2013

    Moving to the UK in July?
    If you need a mortgage, they will want to see steady employment to consider your husbands income. No breaks.
    This means a transfer by the company?
    You can have top credit (which you have), but without meeting the employment income, you are not getting a mortgage.
    It’s not all about a credit score.
    You also need 10% down payment and other costs.

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